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Guidelines for Scheduling a Community Event

In addition to the general scheduling guidelines, the following policies apply to community use:

BYU–Hawaii, through the Space Utilization Council, will consider community requests to schedule university facilities when the following apply:

  1. The requested facility is unique and not available in the community.
  2. Requested use does not displace planned student activities or interfere with institutional needs.
  3. Requester pays appropriate costs. As a private institution sponsored by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, BYU–Hawaii will not subsidize commercial, private enterprises, and other external entities' use of university facilities.
  4. Wedding receptions, bridal showers, baby showers, child's birthday, temple sealing gatherings are all events specific only for members of the Laie YSA 1st and 2nd Stakes and the Laie Hawaii Married Student Stake. Wedding ceremonies may not be performed on campus.
  5. Governmental agencies can be permitted to use university facilities for information meetings and hearings following approval from the Space Utilization Council.
  6. Employers requesting space to recruit students must work through Career Services.

If all of the above apply to your desired community use and if you agree to the general guidelines, you may submit a request for a reservation up to 90 days prior to the date being requested but at least 10 business days in advance for events needed less than 90 days. Use the Community Event Scheduling Request form below.

Facility Rental Rates for 2025

Rates DO NOT include set up fees, deposits, taxes or any other services

Facility 2025 Hourly Rate (5 Hours or Less)2025 Full Day Rate
McKay Gym Arena*$125$1000
CAC Arena*$210$1560
Standard Classrooms$34$270
Swimming Pool$80/hour
lifeguard: $14.50/guard/hour
maximum 2 hours
McKay Auditorium*$174$1390
McKay Little Theater$73$580
Conference Rooms$30$240
Aloha Center 155/165$73$580
Aloha Center Ballroom*$154$1230

*Standard commercial rates apply to all non-community commercial groups

    Community Event Scheduling Request
    Request must be 90 days prior to the date being requested; no earlier.
    Is there entertainment?
    Indemnification and Insurance
    I understand that IF my request is approved, I am required to submit proof of Indemnification and Insurance with required coverage amounts and endorsements. Read the information linked below:

    Indemnification and Insurance Information and Details

    Check the box if you agree to submit the required documents
    In order to confirm your request, please do the following:
    1. Read the agreements linked below:

    CES Dress and Grooming Principles and Expectations

    2. Check the box if you agree to the terms and conditions of the agreement