By submitting this acknowledgment, verifies I agree, certify, and acknowledge the following: 1. I have read the statements regarding the BYUH Protection of Minors Policy, which includes a prohibition against child abuse and procedures for reporting suspected or observed child abuse. 2. I have been provided access to the Protection of Minors Policy on the BYUH policy website or in written form. 3. I fully understand my obligation under Hawaii State Law and BYUH's Protection of Minors Policy to immediately report suspected or observed child abuse of any kind to the nearest law enforcement agency. 4. I agree to abide by BYUH's Protection of Minors Policy throughout the duration of my employment, contract, or volunteer relationship with BYUH. Reporting Requirements (as required by Hawaii State Law)
A. University personnel with reason to believe that child abuse or neglect has occurred or that there exists a substantial risk that child abuse or neglect may occur in the reasonably foreseeable future shall immediately report the matter orally to the Department of Human Services, Social Services Division, Child Welfare Services or to the police department. To Report Child Abuse or Neglect ~ from Oahu call 808-832-5300 from a Neighbor Island call 1-800-494-3991
B. A written report must follow the oral report “as soon as possible.”
C. Additionally, if the reporter “is a member of the staff of any public or private school, agency, or institution” the person must notify the person in charge or a “designated delegate” (Security) of the report that was made.
D. The Department of Social Services social worker will collect as much of the following information as possible:
-Name and address of the child victim and his or her parents or other persons responsible for his or her care;
-Child’s birthdate or age;
-Names and ages of other persons who live with the child and their relationship to the child if known; Nature and extent of the child’s abuse or neglect (including any evidence of indication of previous abuse or neglect);
-Date, time, and location of incident;
-Child’s current location and condition;
-Identity of the alleged perpetrator;
-Whereabouts of the alleged perpetrator and any history if available;
-And any other information that may be helpful in determining the cause of abuse or neglect and whether or not there is a family member who can protect the child.” Minimum Standards of Conduct All BYUH faculty, staff, students, or volunteers who are involved in university-sponsored programs that involve minors are required to adhere to the following standards of conduct.
-Adults should avoid one-on-one contact with minors; where possible, two responsible adults should be present at any activity with minor participants.
-Adults involved with minors must adhere to the CES Honor Code in regard to their conduct toward minors.
-Adults shall not engage in abusive conduct of any kind toward, or in the presence of, a minor, including sexual exploitation, sexual abuse, hazing, initiations, bullying in any form, or other demeaning activities.
-Adults shall not strike, hit, administer corporal punishment to, or touch any minor in an abusive or illegal manner.
-Adults shall not maintain inappropriate electronic contact with minors via texting, email, online forums, social networking sites (e.g.,, etc.
-Adults shall not assist minors in accessing pornography or make any form of pornography available to them.
-Adults shall not transport minors in their personal vehicles unless they are relatives of the minor. Transportation in university vehicles during a university-sponsored program is permitted if two responsible adults are present in the vehicle at all times.
-In an institutional setting where students have contact with groups of minors or are in settings where privacy is necessary to the interaction (i.e. student teaching, hospital lab experiences, etc.), two-deep adult presence may not be practical. In this case, students should follow the child-contact protocols set for by the institution.
-Faculty, students, or volunteers who conduct music instruction with minors should leave the window in the practice room unobstructed during that lesson.
-Faculty, staff, students, or volunteers at BYU–Hawaii should make every effort to provide counseling to students in a confidential setting. Where possible in counseling with minors, however, the door should generally be left ajar or the window in the door should generally be left unobstructed.
-Minors shall not participate in overnight programs unless one of the minor’s parents or legal guardians has given consent.
Training Responsibility Respective departments have responsibilities to ensure proper communication about and training on these procedures and standards of conduct is given. Adherence to these procedures is a pre-requisite for University personnel to participate in youth sponsored programs by BYU–Hawaii.
A. New Employees - Orientation training
-Sign “Statement of Acknowledgement” for Protection of Minors Policy
-Trained on the procedures and standards of conduct for Youth Protection. B. Department Heads/Managers/Directors sponsoring youth programs have the responsibility to:
-Ensure all program personnel have signed the statement of acknowledgment
-Trained on the procedures and standards of conduct for the Protection of Minors.
The Child Protection Policy (the “Policy”) adopted by Brigham Young University–Hawaii (BYUH) prohibits any type of abuse, sexual abuse, against children (defined as anyone under the age of 18 years of age) and requires all BYUH employees, contractors, volunteers to abide by the provisions of the Policy. In addition, the Policy requires all BYUH employees, contractors, and volunteers to immediately report any abuse or suspected abuse to the Department of Human Services, Social Services Division, Child Welfare Services, or to the police department. To Report Child Abuse or Neglect~ from Oahu call
(808) 832-5300 from a Neighbor Island call
1-800-494-3991 A written report must follow the oral report “as soon as possible.” Additionally, the person must notify Security of the report that was made.