Non-Degree Seeking Application - New Students - BYUH University Scheduling Skip to main content

Non-Degree Seeking Application - New Students

New Students
APPLICATION FOR NEW STUDENTS: COMPLETE ALL sections of the application and SUBMIT ALL required documents. Application evaluation and decision will be delayed if ALL items are not received. Acceptance to the non-degree seeking program will be sent via email.
Marital Status
Religious Affiliation
Street Address is Same as Mailing Address?
Do you require special assistance?
Applicant's Commitment
I have read and discussed the BYU–Hawaii Honor Code with my ecclesiastical leader. I understand what the Honor Code is and what my obligations are.
• I agree that the university may obtain confidential recommendations from church leaders and high school counselors concerning my application for admission and hereby waive any right I may have under university policies or federal or state laws to examine confidential recommendations received by the university.
• I also agree to allow the university to supply information relative to my BYU-Hawaii academic or financial records to appropriate federal/state agencies or parents/guardians when needed.
• I hereby certify all statements in this application are complete and true and acknowledge that my admission and my continuing status are conditional on such completeness and truthfulness.
• I also understand that:
- I will be held accountable to the same academic standards as degree-seeking BYU–Hawaii students, coming through admissions.
- Non-degree seeking students are not eligible for: on-campus housing, student jobs at BYUH, student jobs at the Polynesian Cultural Center or any other church entities, student medical insurance, university scholarships, Pell Grant or other Federal Government student loan programs.
- Student’s ecclesiastical endorsement must be current during the time of their attendance at BYUH. The endorsement must be renewed and re-submitted every year prior to expiration.
- Students are able to take up to 6 credit hours per semester. An approval via University Scheduling is required if the amount of credits exceed the maximum. The tuition charge will be per credit and tuition benefit is available only for those who are full-time employees and their dependents whom are determined eligible by BYUH Human Resource Office (HR). It is the applicant’s responsibility to submit the form to HR office at the beginning of every semester they attend.
- Non-degree seeking students who wish to become an undergraduate degree-seeking student at BYUH must contact Admissions to apply as a regular student.
Caveat: Subject to Changes
Do you have a CES NET ID?
Are you new to using BYUH campus?
Have you attended CCH or a Brigham Young University institution (Provo, Hawaii or Idaho) in the past?
I am at least 18 years old
I am a resident of the state of Hawaii (Proof of residency required)
I have submitted a current copy of my ecclesiastical endorsement. (Not applicable to BYUH employees)
I am currently on academic suspension from BYU–Hawaii
I am currently on an Honor Code suspension from BYU–Hawaii
I am currently on probation with, disfellowshipped or excommunicated from, or voluntarily disaffiliated from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. (Applicants are inadmissible until reinstated to full fellowship.)
I am affiliated with a church or other religious group that advocates the current practice of plural marriage.
I am current on probation, parole, or under restriction with any court, or have ever been convicted of a crime(other than a traffic violation).
I already have a bachelor's degree and understand I am required to provide a copy of my diploma as part of my application.