Stake Events - BYUH University Scheduling
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University Scheduling
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Non-Credit Programs
Non-Degree Seeking Program
Stake Events
Stake Event Request Form
For all stake event requests, please fill out the form below
Select your stake
Laie YSA 1st Stake
Laie YSA 2nd Stake
Laie Married Student Stake
Requesting Stake Presidency Member's Name
Contact Number
Contact Email
Name of Event
Date of Event
Will this be a recurring event?
Will this event happen on multiple dates?
If yes, what are the additional dates?
Event Start and End Time
This is the start and end time of the actual event.
Reserved Start and End Time
Time you need for set up and clean up.
Ex. The actual event time is 5 pm - 9 pm. You need 1 hour to set up and 1 hour to clean up, so your reserved time will be 4 pm - 11 pm.
Estimated Attendance
Building Requesting
Room Requesting
Auxiliary the Event is for
Make a selection
Entire Stake
Relief Society
Elders Quorum
Young Men
Young Women
Sunday School
Multi-Stake - We are hosting event
Auxiliary Contact Name
Auxiliary Contact Church Calling
Auxiliary Contact Number
Auxiliary Contact Email
Additional Items
Briefly describe the additional items needed; i.e. podium, tables, chairs, etc.
In order to confirm your request, please do the following:
1. Read the agreements linked below:
Assumption of Risk & Limited Release Agreement
BYU–Hawaii Honor Code and Dress & Grooming Standards Agreement
2. Check all the boxes if you agree to the terms & conditions of the agreements
I have read and agree to the terms and conditions of the Assumption of Risk & Limited Release Agreement linked above.
I have read and agree to the terms and conditions of the BYU–Hawaii Honor Code and Dress & Grooming Standards linked above .
Please complete the captcha